Week 6

Even though this week we didn’t have any races, it was still such a jammed packed week. There was lots of eating at the HKDBF team dinner celebration (with cake and ice cream) and the annual Robert Moses beach outing 🙂 I also finally took this class at my studio that I’ve been dying to go and I only got my butt to it because they were offering it for free. My run workouts were not to a tee again– my long run was suppose to be 20 miles but my head wasn’t in the game (without a good reason either) so I had to cut it short to 12. But it was all good because I made it up the following day when we went to Robert Moses and I found an easy path to the Fire Island Lighthouse. The weather was perfect too, chilly start in the morning and it heated up in time to even out our tans. It’s always a treat to run your miles in new places (or places you don’t often get to go). Finally, my parents came back from their five week long trip to KL and that means sampling all the snacks they brought back 😀

Monday: Pole lvl 2

Tuesday: 5 miles @ MT

Wednesday: 45 min cycle, deadlifts

Thursday: 1200 w/u, 2 x 1200, 4x 800 (2 min RI); Ring Thing- using gymnastic rings to learn how to do muscle ups and lots of pull ups 😮

Friday: 12 mi @ MP + 45

Saturday: 7 mi

Sunday: 2500 row, squats; aerial contortion


Far view of the Fire Island Lighthouse


Sand bae



Thanks for hosting Wendrew and Adriana ❤


One day that leg will be straight 😦

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